Creating a friendly and accessible website redesign in order to transform the online identity of TransFamily Support Services and bring together trans/nonbinary communities.

Introduction: Who and What?

Who is TransFamily Support Services?

Meet the Team

TransFamily Support Services is a community non-profit organization based in San Diego, California. Their mission is to provide comprehensive support and guidance to trans/nonbinary youth and their loved ones so they feel understood and personally catered towards while navigating their identity journey.

Sabrina Mao / UX Designer

Grace Lin / User Researcher

Christian Flores / Web Builder

Calvin Cheung / Web Builder

Anna Hoang / Content Strategist

Yi Lu / Marketing Strategist

Our Goals

Our main deliverable is a website redesign and rebrand. We’ve split this into three main objectives:

  1. Improve the discoverability and accessibility of their resources and services.
  2. Redesign their flagship pages for improved user engagement.
  3. Maintain a consistent, personable brand throughout the website.

Preliminary Research

With our preliminary research, we had two goals in mind: taking a closer look at the existing site and other similar sites as well as understanding the audience and their pain points. Here is how we addressed each:

01. Getting to Know the Existing Site and Other Similar Sites

We approached this by creating a site map of the current site, doing a competitive analysis of similar organizations’ websites, and conducting a web audit based on Nielsen Norman Group’s 10 usability heuristics to look for possible areas with pain points.

Current Site Map

As a team, we wanted to understand the information architecture of the existing website first before we began researching and exploring solutions. As such, we created a site map of the existing site’s navigation.